Muselera provides a systematic and efficient way to manage the maintenance of museum objects and collections, making sure that they are properly cared for and preserved for future generations to enjoy. By scheduling maintenance activities and assigning them to experts, museums can ensure that their collections are well-maintained and protected from damage, decay, or loss. This can also help to extend the life of the objects and keep them in good condition for exhibitions and other purposes.
Preventive maintenance of museum objects is a crucial aspect in preserving them for future generations. Even if preventive maintenance is performed by knowledgeable professionals following established guidelines, if it is not done consistently and thoroughly, it can lead to damage and degradation of the objects, impairing their condition.
The Muselera maintenance planning module helps ensure that the maintenance of the objects is performed in a timely and thorough manner. Maintenance schedules can be easily created based on the individual needs of each object, allowing for more effective and efficient management of the collections. With this module, less time is spent on maintenance planning, freeing up resources for other important tasks
Maintenance reminder
Muselera helps keep track of maintenance activities by sending reminders to users via email or in-system notifications. This helps to ensure that the maintenance of objects and objects is performed in a timely manner, preserving their condition for future generations."
The following is a list of activities included in the planned maintenance of museum objects:
- Condition assessment: In order to identify the problems that need to be addressed, a comprehensive assessment of the condition of the object is made and the current condition of the objects is entered into the Muselera museum software. The first step in planned maintenance is to assess the condition of each structure. This includes visual inspection, physical inspection and analysis of existing documents. During visual inspection, the object is inspected for signs of deterioration such as discoloration, cracks, missing or loose parts, and any other damage or deformation. Physical inspection includes testing the stability of the object, checking for signs of pest infestation, and testing the integrity of materials. The inspection may also incorporate non-invasive testing methods such as X-rays or infrared imaging. The review of existing records within the Muselera program encompasses examination of prior reports, treatments, or interventions performed on the object. This information is utilized to produce a comprehensive status report, which serves as the foundation for the planned maintenance program.
- 3. Environmental control: Environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and light levels have a significant impact on the preservation of museum objects. Unfavorable environmental conditions can result in deterioration, discoloration, brittleness, and other forms of damage to objects. Regular monitoring and control of environmental conditions is an essential component of planned maintenance. The ideal environmental conditions may vary depending on the type and composition of the object, but museums typically aim to maintain a temperature range of 15-22°C and a relative humidity of 40-50%. It is also crucial to monitor and regulate light levels to prevent damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation and other forms of light.
- Pest management: Pests, such as insects and rodents, can cause significant damage to museum objects. Regular inspections and proactive pest control measures are an important part of planned maintenance.
- Cleaning and dusting: Dirt, dust, and grime can accumulate on objects over time, leading to damage and altering their appearance. Regular cleaning and dusting using appropriate techniques and materials can help to preserve the condition and appearance of objects. Cleaning and dusting should be performed meticulously and with care, utilizing soft brushes, microfiber cloths, and gentle cleaning agents. It is crucial to abstain from using harsh chemicals, abrasive materials, or high-pressure air guns, as these may cause additional damage to the objects.
- Stabilization and consolidation: In the event that an object is found to be in a weakened or deteriorated state, stabilization and consolidation treatments may be necessary. The purpose of these treatments is to reinforce the object's structure and inhibit further deterioration. Stabilization treatments may involve the application of adhesives, resins, cements or other materials to bolster the structure or the object. Consolidation procedures may involve the use of binding agents such as building materials, waxes, or resins to reinforce the object's structure. These treatments should be performed by trained conservators utilizing appropriate materials and methods. Storage and Handling: Proper storage and handling of objects is crucial for their preservation and protection. Objects should be stored and maintained in containers that are free from acid.
- Storage and handling: Proper storage and handling of objects is important for their preservation and protection. Regular checks of storage conditions, handling procedures, and access policies are part of planned maintenance.
- Disaster preparedness: Disasters, such as fires, floods, and earthquakes, can pose a significant threat to museum objects. Regular disaster preparedness drills and updates to emergency response plans are an important aspect of planned maintenance.
In conclusion, planned maintenance is a comprehensive and ongoing process that involves a range of activities to maintain and preserve museum objects. By taking a proactive approach, museums can ensure that their collections are well-maintained and protected for future generations.